Club 5

Growth Reimagined

Our Mission

Enhancing individual health through education, mentorship, and ​community engagement; fostering lifelong learning and personal ​growth.

OUr Vision

Empowering youth with the tools and resources ​they need to create positive global change.

Who We Support


We collaborate with districts, ​schools, and communities to ​revamp the learning journey, ​aligning it more closely with the ​demands of today's world and ​the individual needs of ​students.

Yo​ung Adults

Young Adults

Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long

We provide mental, social, ​emotional and physical health ​support through educational ​programs, community ​outreach, volunteering, ​mentorship, and coaching.

Who Are We

De​nnis Gates


Educational Specialist L​icense State of Ar​k​a​nsas

Am​anda Gates

Vice President

Education A​dvisory o​f​ Programs

Uplifting through ​Mentorship

  1. Mentorship can have profound ​effects on personal and professional ​growth, providing guidance and ​support that accelerates learning ​and development.
  2. Through mentorship, individuals ​often gain valuable insights, skills, ​and perspectives that can lead to ​increased confidence and improved ​decision-making abilities.
  3. Additionally, mentorship fosters a ​sense of community and connection, ​creating opportunities for ​networking, collaboration, and long-​term success

Club 5 Focus

mental Health

spiritual Health

financial Health

physical Health

environmental health

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